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Country Guide

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Brunei Darussalam *
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Laos *
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Brunei Darussalam *

Laos *

Build a new audience and boost your revenue by selling into Laos, leveraging our proven global infrastructure to enter new markets with ease..

*The sale of certain products in this market may be subject to international export regulations. If you would like to learn more about selling into this market, lets chat.

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Why Sell into Laos?

While ecommerce is limited in this market, Digital River supports online sales to this area. Speak with our Sales Team to learn more and consider these details in your planning efforts:

Laos is a socialist state and the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia. It is a lower-middle income developing economy. As one of five remaining socialist states, the economic model resembles the Chinese socialist market and/or Vietnamese socialist-oriented market economies with high degrees of state ownership with an openness to foreign direct investment and private ownership in a predominantly market-based framework. State-owned enterprises distort the economy, and layers of government restrictions hinder more dynamic foreign investment. Significant reform in business, investment and financial freedom is needed to increase economic development. The Lao economy depends on investment and trade with its neighbors, Thailand, Vietnam, and China. While interest has grown, electronic commerce is not widely used, due to underdevelopment of the telecommunications infrastructure and the low rate of formal banking and credit card use. However, Facebook is the most common and effective tool used for businesses to communicate with customers. Across the country the majority of internet users access the web by mobile device.

Localized Shopping Experiences in Laos

Processing Currency

Available currencies will depend on the payment method provider, as well as any regulatory restrictions.


Available Product Categories

Digital River can support the sales of these types of products for this specific market.


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Popular payment types in Laos

Cards and digital wallets are most relevant for Laos shoppers.

Laos Available payment types for Laos

The list below represents the current categories of payment options Digital River supports for this market.

Payment methods for Laos

Ecommerce facts and figures
$19 B GDP 7.4M Total Population 52% Internet Usage

Popular Languages

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