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Chad *
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Haiti *
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Chad *

Haiti *

Build a new audience and boost your revenue by selling into Haiti, leveraging our proven global infrastructure to enter new markets with ease..

*The sale of certain products in this market may be subject to international export regulations. If you would like to learn more about selling into this market, lets chat.

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Why Sell into Haiti?

Its troubled past and present have left modern Haiti as one of the poorest countries in the world, and the poorest in the Western hemisphere. 2020 has been hard for Haiti economically; the country has experienced a net GDP reduction of 6.1%. Growth rates are predicted to remain slim in 2021.

Digital adoption is growing steadily in Haiti despite its problems. The Haitian ecommerce market remains small. Its use of a French-derived creole language also presents some challenges for international ecommerce brands that seek to make Haiti part of a larger Caribbean strategy.

Localized Shopping Experiences in Haiti

Processing Currency

Available currencies will depend on the payment method provider, as well as any regulatory restrictions.


Available Product Categories

Digital River can support the sales of these types of products for this specific market.


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Popular payment types in Haiti

Given rife corruption and lack of political stability, Haitians prefer cash. Digital wallet payments represents a growth area as the country looks to replicate the success of mobile in Africa. 2020 saw the roll out of the first Haitian mobile wallet (a joint venture by mobile carrier Voila and Haitian bank Unibank).

Haiti Available payment types for Haiti

The list below represents the current categories of payment options Digital River supports for this market.

Payment methods for Haiti

Ecommerce facts and figures
$880M GDP 10.5 M Total Population 32% Internet Usage

Popular Languages

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