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Jamaica *
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Albania *

Jamaica *

Build a new audience and boost your revenue by selling into Jamaica, leveraging our proven global infrastructure to enter new markets with ease..

*The sale of certain products in this market may be subject to international export regulations. If you would like to learn more about selling into this market, lets chat.

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Why Sell into Jamaica?

The Jamaica of the western imagination is different from the Jamaica citizens know and live. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, the Jamaican economy was on a slow growth curve at 1.6%. With tourism almost brought to a halt, analysts believe the island nation – one of the largest in the Caribbean in terms of geography and population – won’t see growth again until 2022.

Strong mobile adoption and use of large ecommerce marketplaces. Jamaicans tend to purchase consumer electronics, beauty and personal care items, and grocery/hard goods items from large marketplaces. Most commonly used ecommerce platforms include Magento and Shopify.

Localized Shopping Experiences in Jamaica

Processing Currency

Available currencies will depend on the payment method provider, as well as any regulatory restrictions.


Available Product Categories

Digital River can support the sales of these types of products for this specific market.

Logistics Support for Jamaica

Our global logistics solution works in concert with your existing supply chain. No need to secure new carriers and warehouses. Gain faster, more economical shipping options to reach new customers around the globe.

Cross-border shipping
Landed cost guarantee

Popular payment types in Jamaica

The Jamaican payments infrastructure is underdeveloped, with sources noting that many banks on the islands lack relationships with payment vendors like PayPal. There are signs that Jamaicans are moving beyond cash, cash on delivery, and the use of mobile payments, with the greater adoption of regional solutions like WiPay Caribbean.

Jamaica Available payment types for Jamaica

The list below represents the current categories of payment options Digital River supports for this market.

Payment methods for Jamaica

Ecommerce facts and figures
$15.71B GDP 2.9M Total Population 55% Internet Usage

Popular Languages

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